Money placed in trust by a home buyer when making an Offer to Purchase a home is known as a deposit. This deposit is held by the real estate representative or lawyer/notary until the sale is complete. It demonstrates the buyer’s commitment to the purchase and is applied towards the purchase price upon closing. If the sale falls through, the terms of the agreement will determine whether the deposit is refunded.

*The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. For specific legal concerns or questions related to your mortgage, it is always best to consult with a qualified legal professional.*

Mortgage Education

  • Total Debt Service Ratio (TDS)

    The percentage of gross income allocated for payments of principal, interest, taxes, and heat (P.I.T.H.), along with other debt obligations, [...]

  • Title Insurance

    Title insurance protects property owners and lenders from financial loss due to defects in the title of real property. These [...]

  • Optional Mortgage Insurance Products

    Understanding Optional Mortgage Insurance Products in Canada When it comes to securing a mortgage in Canada, one of the [...]

  • Mortgage Payment Deferrals

    Understanding Mortgage Payment Deferrals in Canada In times of financial hardship, homeowners may find it challenging to keep up with [...]

  • What Are the Different Mortgage Types

    Different Mortgage Types in Canada: A Quick Guide When buying a home in Canada, understanding the various mortgage types available [...]